The best phone call app enabling video ringtones with 2,000,000,000+ videos played and 6,000,000+ videos uploaded including music videos, funny videos, WhatsApp status videos, song videos, trending videos for downloading, sharing, and setting for friends.
Phone calls don’t have to be boring and generic 🙅! Vyng brings fresh, fun, free video ringtones with every call! 💪💪💪
Instead of hearing the same ringtones every time you receive a phone call, Vyng plays 🙌SUPER AWESOME🙌 videos as your ringtone for every call! You can set a video as your ringtone, pick a channel to get a new video ringtone for every call, upload your own personal videos to use as ringtones, and set custom ringtones for your friends. Or you can just hang out in the app and watch hours of free videos - it's up to you! Oh yeah - it's free 😎
Now you can 📱 download WhatsApp video status or share videos with friends with just a click.
Download unlimited videos and set them as videos status on WhatsApp and Facebook. Share viral, trending, video statuses, and video memes with your friends on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook 📸
Browse video channels (including all of the best and newest music videos) then set your favorite as your free ringtone to get an awesome video with every call, including Pop music video ringtones, Bollywood, Hip Hop, K-Pop, Latin, Punjabi, Cats, Puppies, Trending, Hindi, and many more!
Want to personalize your ringtone further? With My Videos, you can create your own custom video ringtone by uploading videos (via the pink add button), curating your favorites from existing Vyng channels (use the + button below any video), or syncing with Snapchat and Instagram.
You can also customize video ringtones so you get a specific channel or video when individual friends call you. Set a custom channel, upload one of your own videos, or ask your friend to choose the video that plays on your phone when they call you with Vyng Bombs!
Free ringtones are awesome, but if you don’t want to wait for a phone call to see an awesome video you can browse hundreds of videos across all channels with a single tap. New videos are added every day by our community to make sure that Vyng always has the freshest and most popular videos!
- AUDIO: For channels containing quiet or silent videos, your traditional ringtone will also play.
- FULLSCREEN: Fullscreen videos work on most phones Android M and above.
- OFFLINE: Video ringtones will work even when you are offline! However, for channel content, you do need to periodically connect to the internet to get the latest videos.
Need a quick tutorial?
or contact our support team:
Vyng uses your phone number and address book to connect you with friends.
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:
Oppo and Vivo users: please be aware that some phones manufactured by Oppo and Vivo may not be compatible with Vyng. We're working hard with them to resolves these issues.
Aplikasi panggilan telepon terbaik yang mengaktifkan nada dering video dengan video diputar dan 6.000.000 video diunggah termasuk video musik, video lucu, video status WhatsApp, video lagu, video tren untuk mengunduh, berbagi, dan mengatur teman-teman.
Panggilan telepon tidak harus membosankan dan generik 🙅! Vyng menghadirkan nada dering video segar, menyenangkan, gratis dengan setiap panggilan! 💪💪💪
Alih-alih mendengar nada dering yang sama setiap kali Anda menerima panggilan telepon, Vyng memutar video UPSUPER AWESOME🙌 sebagai nada dering Anda untuk setiap panggilan! Anda dapat mengatur video sebagai nada dering, memilih saluran untuk mendapatkan nada dering video baru untuk setiap panggilan, mengunggah video pribadi Anda untuk digunakan sebagai nada dering, dan mengatur nada dering khusus untuk teman-teman Anda. Atau Anda bisa nongkrong di aplikasi dan menonton video gratis berjam-jam - terserah Anda! Oh ya - gratis 😎
Sekarang Anda dapat 📱 mengunduh status video WhatsApp atau berbagi video dengan teman hanya dengan satu klik.
Unduh video tanpa batas dan atur sebagai status video di WhatsApp dan Facebook. Bagikan viral, tren, status video, dan meme video dengan teman Anda di WhatsApp, Instagram, dan Facebook 📸
Jelajahi saluran video (termasuk semua video musik terbaik dan terbaru) kemudian tetapkan favorit Anda sebagai nada dering gratis untuk mendapatkan video yang luar biasa dengan setiap panggilan, termasuk nada dering video musik Pop, Bollywood, Hip Hop, K-Pop, Latin, Punjabi, Kucing, Anak Anjing, Populer, Hindi, dan banyak lagi!
Ingin mempersonalisasikan nada dering Anda lebih lanjut? Dengan Video Saya, Anda dapat membuat nada dering video khusus Anda sendiri dengan mengunggah video (melalui tombol add pink), mengurasi favorit Anda dari saluran Vyng yang ada (gunakan tombol + di bawah video apa pun), atau menyinkronkan dengan Snapchat dan Instagram.
Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan nada dering video sehingga Anda mendapatkan saluran atau video tertentu ketika setiap teman memanggil Anda. Atur saluran rekaan, unggah salah satu video Anda sendiri, atau minta teman Anda untuk memilih video yang diputar di ponsel Anda ketika mereka memanggil Anda dengan Vyng Bombs!
Nada dering gratis luar biasa, tetapi jika Anda tidak ingin menunggu panggilan telepon untuk melihat video yang luar biasa, Anda dapat menelusuri ratusan video di semua saluran dengan satu ketukan. Video baru ditambahkan setiap hari oleh komunitas kami untuk memastikan bahwa Vyng selalu memiliki video paling segar dan paling populer!
- AUDIO: Untuk saluran yang berisi video sunyi atau sunyi, nada dering tradisional Anda juga akan diputar.
- FULLSCREEN: Video layar penuh berfungsi di sebagian besar ponsel Android M dan di atasnya.
- OFFLINE: Nada dering video akan berfungsi bahkan ketika Anda sedang offline! Namun, untuk konten saluran, Anda harus terhubung ke internet secara berkala untuk mendapatkan video terbaru.
Butuh tutorial cepat?
atau hubungi tim dukungan kami:
Vyng menggunakan nomor telepon dan buku alamat Anda untuk menghubungkan Anda dengan teman-teman.
Ketentuan Penggunaan dan Kebijakan Privasi:
Pengguna Oppo dan Vivo: perlu diketahui bahwa beberapa ponsel yang diproduksi oleh Oppo dan Vivo mungkin tidak kompatibel dengan Vyng. Kami bekerja keras dengan mereka untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.
The best phone call app enabling video ringtones with 2,000,000,000+ videos played and 6,000,000+ videos uploaded including music videos, funny videos, WhatsApp status videos, song videos, trending videos for downloading, sharing, and setting for friends.
Phone calls don’t have to be boring and generic 🙅! Vyng brings fresh, fun, free video ringtones with every call! 💪💪💪
Instead of hearing the same ringtones every time you receive a phone call, Vyng plays 🙌SUPER AWESOME🙌 videos as your ringtone for every call! You can set a video as your ringtone, pick a channel to get a new video ringtone for every call, upload your own personal videos to use as ringtones, and set custom ringtones for your friends. Or you can just hang out in the app and watch hours of free videos - it's up to you! Oh yeah - it's free 😎
Now you can 📱 download WhatsApp video status or share videos with friends with just a click.
Download unlimited videos and set them as videos status on WhatsApp and Facebook. Share viral, trending, video statuses, and video memes with your friends on WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook 📸
Browse video channels (including all of the best and newest music videos) then set your favorite as your free ringtone to get an awesome video with every call, including Pop music video ringtones, Bollywood, Hip Hop, K-Pop, Latin, Punjabi, Cats, Puppies, Trending, Hindi, and many more!
Want to personalize your ringtone further? With My Videos, you can create your own custom video ringtone by uploading videos (via the pink add button), curating your favorites from existing Vyng channels (use the + button below any video), or syncing with Snapchat and Instagram.
You can also customize video ringtones so you get a specific channel or video when individual friends call you. Set a custom channel, upload one of your own videos, or ask your friend to choose the video that plays on your phone when they call you with Vyng Bombs!
Free ringtones are awesome, but if you don’t want to wait for a phone call to see an awesome video you can browse hundreds of videos across all channels with a single tap. New videos are added every day by our community to make sure that Vyng always has the freshest and most popular videos!
- AUDIO: For channels containing quiet or silent videos, your traditional ringtone will also play.
- FULLSCREEN: Fullscreen videos work on most phones Android M and above.
- OFFLINE: Video ringtones will work even when you are offline! However, for channel content, you do need to periodically connect to the internet to get the latest videos.
Need a quick tutorial?
or contact our support team:
Vyng uses your phone number and address book to connect you with friends.
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:
Oppo and Vivo users: please be aware that some phones manufactured by Oppo and Vivo may not be compatible with Vyng. We're working hard with them to resolves these issues.